This was the best organized and fun event I’ve been to in my 11 years as a father!
May 17, 2025
Waunakee High School, Waunakee, WI
Spring into race season in Waunakee! Swim in the indoor high school pool, bike on city streets and bike path, and run on the track in Warrior Stadium to celebrate your achievement with your Finish Line moment. Our favorite event to get kids active and families inspired after Wisconsin winter!
If you're trying to sign your child up for a Training Team, please sign up here. Training Team includes the registration fee for the event.
Presented by TDS
There will be an early packet pickup from 5pm-6:30pm on Friday, May 16th. Full details will be sent to registered race participants. Participants may also pick up their packet in the Registration Area on the morning of the race.
There will be a course talk at 5:30pm; come hear all about this race and get your questions answered before race day! If you are unable to join us in person, view our general course talk video here.
Saturday, May 17th – RACE DAY
All activities take place at Waunakee High School (301 Community Dr. Waunakee, WI)
7:00am: Registration Area and Transition Area open
8:30am: Long Course begins
9:30am: Medium Course begins
9:45am: Long Course awards ceremony (estimated time)
10:00am: Intermediate Course begins (Note: Intermediate course participants MUST have their gear loaded in Transition prior to 9:30am)
10:30am: Short Course begins
10:45am: Medium Course awards ceremony (estimated time)
11:15am: Intermediate Course awards ceremony (estimated time)
11:30am: Short Course awards ceremony (estimated time)
We offer 4 course options for this race. See below for courses and approximate distances. While there are recommended ages listed below, please select the course that best matches your child’s ability, regardless of age. If your athlete uses a balance bike or a bike with training wheels, we strongly recommend the Short Course. There is also an at-home option for participants who are interested in a virtual option.
Long Course (recommended ages 11-14): Swim 100 yards (4 lengths of the pool)*, Bike 4.3 miles, Run 1.1 miles**
Long Course athletes will need to complete two loops of the bike course. Athletes are responsible for keeping track of their own number of loops while biking. You may want to station an adult from your group at the loop location along the course if you think it may be a challenge for your child to keep track of their own number of loops.
Medium Course (recommended ages 7-10): Swim 50 yards (2 lengths of the pool)*, Bike 2.1 miles, Run 0.6 mile**
Intermediate Course (recommended ages 7-10): Swim 25 yards (one width of the pool), Bike 2.1 miles, Run 0.6 mile**
Short Course (recommended ages 3-6): Swim 25 yards (one width of the pool), Bike 0.45 mile, Run 0.08 mile
At-Home: Complete your race wherever and whenever you like! Please follow all traffic rules and safety recommendations as you complete your race.
*Long and Medium course athletes will need to duck under a lap lane to complete their swim course. See the Swim Course map for details.
**Long, Medium, and Intermediate course athletes will need to do multiple laps on the track to complete their run portion. Each athlete is responsible for keeping track of their own number of laps. You may want to station an adult in the spectator area of the track if you think it may be a challenge for your child to keep track of their own number of laps.
See the Course Maps below to view each course. The Swim course takes place in the pool in the Waunakee High School. The Bike course will be on city streets and bike paths near the high school. The Run course will be on the track within the high school stadium. Volunteers will be stationed along the course to help direct the athletes.
Race Entry Fees
Open to participants ages 3-14.
Financial assistance is available for any child who qualifies for free or reduced lunch. Please email if you need help with your child’s entry fee.
With registration, each athlete receives:
Wait List
When an event sells out, we may offer a wait list option. If a wait list is available, you will see that option within the registation program. For details on how we manage an event’s wait list, please see our FAQ page on our website.
Refund Policy
Our events are held rain or shine, and we do not offer refunds for weather-related delays or cancellations. In the event that you are unable to attend the race due to illness, quarantine, or other reasons, we are happy to switch you to the At-Home race division and you will still receive your finisher medal and race materials. Please email if you need to make changes to your registration.
The in-person race courses will be at Waunakee High School (301 Community Dr. Waunakee, WI). Parking is available at multiple parking lots at the high school. See the Site Map above for parking options. There is handicap-accessible parking available in the parking lots; please contact us if you need more details about accessible parking.
All participants will receive a finisher medal. All in-person participants will be timed and trophies will be awarded to the top three girls and boys in each of the divisions listed below. There will be a brief awards ceremony in the Finish Area after the completion of each course. If an award winner is not able to be present at the award ceremony, they will be contacted after the race with information about how to pick up their trophy.
Long Course:
Medium Course:
Intermediate Course:
Short Course:
Go to the Results tab above to view previous race results.
Click on the links below to view previous race results.
2020 Results (none – the 2020 event was not a timed race)
We want to keep you informed on the ways we are keeping our events safe for participants, volunteers, and staff. Here are a few things you can expect when participating in a Tri 4 Schools event:
Tri 4 Schools
We’re supporting the well-being of kids inside and outside the classroom.
Since 2011, we’ve donated over $450,000 to over 200 schools and 22,000 kids have crossed the finish line!
The impact Tri 4 Schools has made on our school is immeasurable. Our kids love the program, learn valuable life lessons, and our department has received thousands of dollars to support our classes.
"This was the best organized and fun event I’ve been to in my 11 years as a father!
It was so exciting to see the smile on my child’s face as she crossed the finish line! Seeing her proud of her accomplishment means everything!
"To see the determination and pride on his face as he did something new reminded me how important it is to challenge ourselves at any age.